Well, because I believe it's the basis of human condition, because I'm so very human and live a normal life, yet I also believe I'm so very different that what I should be given my life.
The idea that human condition is partially defined as opposed forces isn't new. In Chinese philosophy, the concept of Yin and Yang dates back at least two millennia. Not only does it refer to forces inside us, but also opposing forces that balance the universe. A more mind-centered and recent example would be Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theories; both id and super-ego being opposed to form the ego, us.
I'm a very common guy, I have no extraordinary talent or characteristics and I live a very uneventful life. Most people would probably describe me as some cross between an accountant and an engineer; the former I though of becoming, the second I became. So as "normal" goes I think it pretty much clears me out. For human, I never got tested but beside the fact I was called "alien" by friends during high school, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
So what does make me stand out in any way? From an external point of view, absolutely nothing, but that is what shocks the people who get to know me, how my personality and way of thinking doesn't match the perception they had of me. I have both the pragmatic side expected of me and a very humane and spiritual side, but instead of trying to harmonize both I just live by both set of rules. It's actually quite useful as many situations requires one side or the other and very few requires both. Only in the later situation do I actually make an effort to reconcile myself with myself.
So here you go, that is why this blog is called "Dual Being": because it's about a world made of opposites with people torn by dilemma and written by a normal yet narcissist guy with some sort of split personality syndrome. Was it that hard to understand???
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