Oh boy did I asked myself that question a lot before even opening a blog account. To be honest to myself and to whoever might read this, I think that deep down I just feel I have something to say to the world; is it justified or simple narcissism, you be the judge.
Other than that, there are a few little reasons that pushed me to try: to share with people, to get people's opinion and learn from them, to keep in touch with people and simply by curiosity.
First of all, I like to analyze things, situations and concepts, something not easily done on other media like Facebook or Twitter; a blog would be a better way to do that as you can create much bigger "articles" on them. I also like to share pieces of information I find on the web.
Secondly, I like to get people's reaction on whatever opinion or piece of information I might publish. To me, sharing and debating is the best way to learn new things.
Thirdly, I also want to keep in touch with friends and family that, for whatever reason, aren't into Facebook or other social medias.
Finally, I'm just plain curious about what blogging is all about. Might be only a phase or an ego trip like some authors that self-publish. Who knows, only time will tell. I might also invite some friends to publish on this blog as I'm sure I'm not the only who could have an interest in knowing what they have to say.
This is all for now, hopefully the next article won't be too far away.
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